Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Participants.
Below, some of our materials from Ist workshop, which took place on days 28-29 September.
We encourage you to download. Rest of the presentation will be upload soon.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Participants.
Below, some of our materials from Ist workshop, which took place on days 28-29 September.
We encourage you to download. Rest of the presentation will be upload soon.
Dear Readers, Participants!
The second workshop will take place at 29-30 of November. Between first and second workshop the chosen Industries are working on the homework effects of which will be present during the second workshop. The main topics of the II workshop will be homework, identification difficult areas for companies with EN ISO 50001, next steps in energy management with EN ISO 50001.
See you at 29th of November.
Dear Readers,
First workshop for Companies eligible to participate in the project EMPI behind us.The workshop was held from 28 – 29 September, in Serock. Plan workshop is available here: agenda-workshop
Below some photos from the event.
All participants thank you very much for your presence and commitment.
The next workshop already in the end of November.
Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to invaite you to the conference, which will take place on October 12, 2016, Hall 10, MTP in Poznan.
The title and theme of the conference is: NORWEGIAN DAY, innovative technology from Norway, and financial instruments.
The conference aims to provide funding mechanisms for green investments in companies, with the support of Norwegian funds and cooperation with Norwegian companies.
The complete program and organizational information are available below: